Packet Digital 是设计、开发和销售面向便携式电子设备和嵌入式系统的高级电源管理解决方案的全球新兴领导者。 Packet Digital 通过其专利的 On-Demand Power 技术和 PowerSage集成电路,延长了便携式电子设备的电池续航能力,帮助消费电子公司和军方机构开发更快、更智能、更小型的产品。
Packet Digital, founded in 2003 and headquartered in Fargo, ND, is an emerging world leader in the design, development, and marketing of advanced PMICs for portable electronic devices and embedded systems. Packet Digital pioneers an innovative approach to using autonomous system-level power management to achieve dramatic power savings. The unique, industry-leading, patented architecture is flexible and portable across multiple applications, from laptops to handsets, from servers to embedded devices.
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